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08/28/23 11:38 AM #43    


David Oldfather

I loved the 50th reuntion, especially the nature walk and the picinc.

Unfortunately, becuase we are now cat custodians and they would not do well being taken to a kennel Lynn and  I will not be atttending. Also I've had heath issues inc;luding congestive heart failure and high blood pressure. Both are beter now but I'm still limited in what I can do. I also have COPD.


I hope the reunion is excellent for everyone who attends!

08/28/23 04:25 PM #44    

Margo Kube (Moran)


Margo Kube Moran

I will be there.  Thank you Mike for organizing the 60th.

Margo Kube Moran

08/29/23 01:36 PM #45    

Danny Merriman

Thanks to everyone who got the ball rolling for the 60th reunion. Janie (Newman) and I will definitely plan to attend. We will be back in Boulder in the summer and would love to help in anyway we can.

08/30/23 04:05 PM #46    

Karl Miles

I would like to attend.  I would like to have an event at one of the hotels that can become a base for the people that live out of town. Last time the Harvest House worked well, but there are others down by the mall.  Maybe the planners could get a rate for the group.

08/30/23 04:48 PM #47    

Ruth Drake (McKee)

Thank you to all who have been working to make this 60th (!!) reunion happen next year!  Special thanks to Margie Morris Caswell, Pam Akison Sheets , and Mike Fitzgerad! for key roles.

Lord willing, Walt and I plan to attend the dinner at Boulder Country Club on Tues. Sept. 17, 2024.  

Ruth Drake McKee

08/30/23 07:05 PM #48    

Dick Bailey

Dick Bailey and wife Karin will be there on August 17, 2024. Thanks to all the organizers. 

08/31/23 02:09 PM #49    

Walter Oney

Marty and I will try to attend, hoping to win the prize for longest trip to the reunion.

For me, the main purpose of the event is to talk with old classmates, so I hope we won't have loud music. I too would hope that there's a block of rooms in the same hotel as the event(s).

Thanks again, committee, for organizing this.

08/31/23 03:59 PM #50    


Margie (Larry) Morris (Caswell)

Thank you, thank you, Knights 1964, for showing an interest in having a reunion August 17, 2024.  Your interest makes it possible for Mike Fitzgerald to gauge the numbers before he puts down a deposit (which he generously has agreed to do ahead of us asking you to submit any payments). Thus, keep up these comments on the Message Forum showing your desire to attend.

Kathy Heron Crebar asked about where on the website to sign up. We will eventually get out an email with information on date (August 17, 2024), cost, location (Boulder Country Club), and a hotel for out-of-town classmates.

Let us know again if you are willing to help in any way in the planning and what you want to see happen.  So far we have heard no loud music, so visiting is possible, and a hotel for out-of-towners to base out of.  We will get back to the classmates who have volunteered to help.

More to come,

Margie Morris Caswell and Mike Fitzgerald

09/02/23 08:08 AM #51    


Dennis Murahata

Joan & I would be happy to join the 60th class reunion nextyear.  It will be good to see everyone.  Thx for setting it up.




Joan & Dennis Murahata

09/13/23 04:52 PM #52    


Margie (Larry) Morris (Caswell)

Dear Fairview Class of 1964,

Our 60th HS reunion is officially set with contract signed, downpayment made, and bank account set up:

Our 60th Class Reunion will be Saturday, August 17, 2024, at the Boulder Country Club in the Gunbarrel area at 7350 Clubhouse Rd.  The cost for our 50th was $60 - $70 / per person depending upon when you paid.  We hope to keep the price similar.  More details will follow, but please put this date on your calendar now.

Mike Fitzgerald and Margie Morris Caswell

09/14/23 11:17 AM #53    

Tom Ronning

We are still hanging in there - after 16 years of retirement. Gro and I would love to attend the reunion next year in Boulder.
When you get 79 years old, heath issues may occur, but so far so good
Will be great to see you all.

02/24/24 12:56 PM #54    

Harold Frank

I am watching the reunion plans with great interest, but cannot commit to much at this time. Happily, most of my family are near me here in Boulder, but probably not for long as plans evolve. Will stay in touch.


03/26/24 10:07 AM #55    


Margie (Larry) Morris (Caswell)

Dear Fairview Class of 1964,

We look forward  to seeing you at the Fairview HS 60th Reunion on August 17, 2024, at the Boulder Country Club.  Please see the previous email about registering for the reunion.  It is a simple click away on this home page, or the email describes other methods of payment.  Look in the upper left corner for "60th Reunion."  Some of you who registered have made an extra donation to keep the website going.  Thank you!  If you would like to come, but need financial assistance, scholarships are available and confidential.  Email one of us below.

Ruth Drake McKee emailed me about a history of Fairview HS entitled Chronicles of the Knights by Andess Cote which is available on Amazon for $24.99. (paperback).  The 24 reviewers gave it a 4.6* rating.

Margie had called several hotels in the Boulder area, but all were $200 - $400 per night, even with a group rate! Mike suggested I check in Longmont. Success was at the Fairfield Inn by Marriott at 1089 S. Hover Road.   We are getting a reunion rate of $139 (normal $229 for weekend rates).  It has a 4.2* rating.  Their manager is saving us a block of a variety of room options.  You call, mention Fairview HS 60th Reunion, and make your own reservation.  She suggests calling 303-776-8050 soon.  You can cancel 48 hours ahead.

Margie Morris Caswell (

Mike Fitzgerald (

Pam Sheets Akison (

04/07/24 05:07 PM #56    


Margie (Larry) Morris (Caswell)

April’s Reminder for our 60th HS Reunion

Our gathering will be August 17, 2024, at the Boulder Country Club from 3 – 8 p.m. Cost of $70 / person.  We had 89 attendees in 2014.  We hope we can come close to that number. Please pay one of three ways:

  1. Mail a check for $70 per person to Mike Fitzgerald at 3320 Molly Lane, Broomfield, CO, 80023
  2. Go to our website.  You will be asked to log-in.  If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it there.  Then on the homepage you can pay for the reunion using PayPal by clicking the 60th Reunion line in the upper left hand corner.
  3. Make a payment to Mike Fitzgerald with the Zelle account:, and it will go to the First Bank account for FHS account that was set up for the 60th reunion.

A group rate of $139/ night is reserved for us just down the Diagonal (Is it still called that?) in Longmont at the Fairfield Inn at 1809 S Hover Rd.  You can call them at 303-776-8050 and mention our reunion.  They are reserving a variety of rooms for us.

Also, please let the classmates you stay in touch with about this reunion and encourage them to come.  Further, let  us know if you have an idea about how to make this a memorable reunion.

Pam Sheets Akison (

Margie Morris Caswell (

Mike Fitzgerald (

04/24/24 10:44 PM #57    


Margie (Larry) Morris (Caswell)

Dear Class of 1964,

Excitement is building for our reunion on August 17, 2024.  More and more reservations are coming in.  Have you sent yours in?  

What do you want to have happen at the reunion?  When I first asked this you said: a hotel for the group (done! = the Fairfield Inn in Longmont) and no loud music (none is scheduled yet, but maybe we could have a DJ for an hour).  This is your reunion! We will be at the Boudler Country Club for 5 hours.  What would you want to have happen?  What would you be willing to do to make the reunion special?  What other events would you like outside of the hours at the Country Club?  Let's brainstorm here.  Share your ideas.

We hope you are reaching out to your classmates you keep in touch with to encourage their attendance.

Margie Morris Caswell for Pam Akison Sheets and Mike Fitzgerald


06/01/24 08:36 PM #58    


Margie (Larry) Morris (Caswell)

June’s Reminder for our 60th HS Reunion

Several of you have been updating your profle. Thank you!  This is a virtual reunion booklet that is always up-to-date if you help make it so.

Our gathering will be August 17, 2024, at the Boulder Country Club from 3 – 8 p.m. Cost of $70 / person.  Please pay one of three ways:

  1. Mail a check for $70 per person to Mike Fitzgerald at 3320 Molly Lane, Broomfield, CO, 80023
  2. Go to our website.  You will be asked to log-in.  If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it there.  Then on the homepage you can pay for the reunion using PayPal by clicking the 60th Reunion line in the upper left hand corner.
  3. Make a payment to Mike Fitzgerald with the Zelle account:, and it will go to the First Bank account for FHS account that was set up for the 60th reunion.

A group rate of $139/ night is reserved for us just down the Diagonal (Is it still called that?) in Longmont at the Fairfield Inn at 1809 S Hover Rd.  You can call them at 303-776-8050 and mention our reunion.  They are reserving a variety of rooms for us.

Also, please let the classmates you stay in touch with about this reunion and encourage them to come.  Further, let  us know if you have an idea about how to make this a memorable reunion.

Pam Sheets Akison (

Margie Morris Caswell (

Mike Fitzgerald (

06/20/24 09:26 PM #59    


Margie (Larry) Morris (Caswell)

From Neil deGrass Tyson:

People born in the 40's have lived in 8 decades, 2 centuries, and 2 milenniums.

We had the best music, fastest cars, drive-ins, theaters, soda fountains, and happy days.

And we are not even that old yet.  We're just that cool.

Come celebrate at our 60th HS Reunion on August 17.  Still time to register.  

07/17/24 06:08 AM #60    

Walter Oney

That picture of the lunch room card game sure brings back memories!

08/07/24 05:36 PM #61    


Margie (Larry) Morris (Caswell)

Dear Classmates,

Any of you who are available Friday, August 16th, are invited to gather together at the Oskar Blues Brewery, 1555 S. Hover Road in Longmont.  It is down the street from our Fairfield Inn at 1089 S. Hover Road.  They offer craft brews, pizzas, burgers, and creative Creole food.  The plan is to eat there and visit, and then those who wish can move to the outside music seating where you will again have a server.

I am making a reservation for 15 for 5 p.m.  Please email me at or call at 970-420-2766 and let me know you want to come.  I can adjust the reservation inside as I hear from you.  If you would instead like to make a reservation for a small group, you can call 303-485-9400.  I was told not to use the online reservation system.  Just call.  

They have music with outside seating with a server from 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.  There are no reservations there.

Margie Morris Caswell

08/17/24 02:47 PM #62    

Judy Norton (Forkner)

Hi everyone, sorry I'm not attending the 60th reunion, but hope you all have a good time. I'm trying to avoid exposure to Covid--haven't had it yet!

I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (a blood cancer) in the summer of 2018, and after 3 rounds of chemo, it was suggested that I have a stem cell transplant. That happened in Dec. of 2018. When you have a stem cell transplant, they say you have a new birthday, since your old immune system is wiped out! I will be celebrating my 6th birthday in Dec., so obviously, I'm much too young to attend! I had to get new vaccinations for all the childhood diseases I had growing up. I have been in MRD (minimal residual disease) since the stem cell transplant, but in Feb. of this year, I was diagnosed with breast cancer--DCIS. I had a lumpectomy (on my real birthday in March), and then 20 radiation treatments during the month of May. I'm finally getting some energy back from that. Fortunately, we live just 9/10ths of a mile from Boulder Foothills Hospital and the TEBO Center, which houses the Rocky Mountain Cancer Center. I often walk to my appointments over there and I'm glad I can do that because parking is a disaster! It can take as long to drive over, find a place to park, and then walk to your appointment as it does to walk (20 minutes).

I try to walk 5 miles everyday, and I'm very involved in Colorado Quilting Council--the state quilt guild. I'm currently serving as co-vice President of Programs for the guild. My partner in crime and I (a much younger Fairview graduate), have been arranging for speakers and workshops for the guild for 2024 thru 2025. We are also members of the Boulder quilt guild, Quaking Aspen Quilt Guild. I try to do some sewing everyday, as well.

Sorry I took so long to let you know what I'm up to--busy and low energy!  Sincerely, Judy Norton Forkner

08/18/24 08:35 AM #63    

Tom (Jennifer) Vesey (Vesey)

What an enjoyable evening I had yesterday at the Boulder Country Club seeing classmates/friends from the past. It was our chance to dredge up both pleasant recollections as well as embarrassing faux pas from our somewhat ancient histories. The wide variety of paths we have taken in our lives have resulted in a fascinating array of personal narratives. It makes me wish I had taken more interest in all of my classmates when we were at Fairview. But alas, there were other priorities on our plates then so I only got close to a handful of our class of ’64 way back then.

My great thanks to Margie, Pam, Mike and the others for their hard work enabling this pow wow.

Tom Vesey


08/18/24 01:10 PM #64    


Dennis Murahata

I  agree with Tom Vesey as I had a great tie last night annd enjoyed every minute 

at the reunion., refreshing old memeories and someone telling about new one I seemed

to have forgotten.  Margie and the whole committe for setting the reunion up.

08/19/24 12:20 PM #65    

Jennifer Tracy (Bailey)


Thank  you Mike, Margie, Pam and all who made the 60th Reunion a wonderful success!  
Everyone had a great time.  You picked a great venue Mike.  Thank you! Too bad we can't all get together more often. What a lucky bunch we were in the early 60's to have had such a great high school experience.

Take care everyone.  Hope to see you all again along with others who couldn't make it this time.

Jennifer Tracy Bailey


08/20/24 10:44 AM #66    


Dave Meyer (Meyer)

My congratulations to the Planing Committee (Margie, Pam, Mike and others) for a marvelous and warm 60th Fairview Reunion.  It was truly a wonderful evening reminiscing with my Classmates and connecting with their families and activities during the past 6 decades.  The Boulder Country Club was a great venue with excellent service and food (too much for me ;-)!  To all who were present, thank you for your travels and time, to those unable to attend we missed you, and for those who have passed, you were remembered!  Until our next Reunion, God Speed!


08/25/24 02:32 PM #67    


David Oldfather

i was happy to see all yout picturs this aftrenoon! I'm happy those of you who attended had siuich  a owonderful time3!

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