Fairview High School
Class of 1964
Royal Banner summaries
Note: The news is summarized alphabetically by categories and tries to make note only of members of the class, in addition to faculty and staff. The summaries will continue month by month, featuring the senior year and then the junior year. LOOKING BACK at freshman and sophomore years will follow.
Please thank the still-existing business Thunderbird Lanes Bowl for its ads supporting the Royal Banner.
Thank you to class members on The Royal Banner staffs of 1962-1963: Keith Hanson sports editor and Mary Fritz reporter.1963-1964: Mary Fritz editor, Susie Schenk assistant editor, Linda Adler feature editor, John Walton sports editor, Anne Hexamer exchange editor, Linda Lakey, Diane Miller, Beverly Page and Jennifer Tracy reporters, Paul Rock photographer for archiving these activities and to their advisor, Carol Kuban.
Thank you to Mary Fritz, Margie Morris, and to Pam Sheets for their advice and support for this project.
Finally, a special thank you to Beth Harvat on behalf of the entire class for saving this collection of Banners and offering them to the class for its use.
Your comments and suggestions are welcome. Leigh Ann (Wailes) Smith
Click here for senior year summaries.
Click here for junior year summaries.
Freshman and sophomore years coming soon.
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