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•   Michaela Hume (Hume)  7/19
•   Bill Coleman  7/18
•   Dwight Lennon (Lennon)  7/10
•   Mary Fritz (Holden)  6/25
•   Chuck (Cheryl) Gower  6/9
•   Matthew Rosinski  6/6
•   David Oldfather  6/1
•   Margie (Larry) Morris (Caswell)  5/31
•   Vicky Risner  5/29
•   Mark Rappe  5/25
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
4 live in Arizona
5 live in California
64 live in Colorado
2 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
2 live in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
1 lives in Massachusetts
3 live in Minnesota
1 lives in Montana
1 lives in Nevada
5 live in New Mexico
1 lives in New York
1 lives in North Carolina
1 lives in North Dakota
3 live in Oklahoma
1 lives in Oregon
6 live in Texas
2 live in Utah
4 live in Washington
2 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Wyoming
1 lives in Brazil
1 lives in Norway
64 location unknown

Welcome, Class of 1964!

We hope everyone who was able to attend the 2014 Reunion had a wonderful time catching up with people you may not have seen for the past 50 years.

Even though we've all returned home to our routines - or have set off for new adventures - the website is going to remain right here. Please keep your profile updated, so we can continue our "online" reunion.

If you haven't yet activated your account, please click on the tab "First time users" and read the instructions. Then click on the "Classmates Profile" tab, find your name and click through to finish your sign on. We previously uploaded everyone's name, address, email and phone that we had on file, so make sure your profile information is correct.

Click here to view the photo gallery page -
and please add your own photos.


Knight Medieval Warrior ยท Free image on Pixabay

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Fairview High School Class of 1964! Can you believe it?  You made it to celebrate your 60th HS Reunion! You are invited to gather on August 17, 2024, to celebrate that we are still alive! Come relive old and new memories with your classmates.  It may be our last chance, but hopefully not.  Please contact the classmates you are in touch with and encourage them to attend.  Maybe you could even offer housing to a classmate.  89 attended in 2014.  Can we match that?

Cost of $70 / person.  Please pay one of three ways:

  1. Mail a check for $70 per person to Mike Fitzgerald at 3320 Molly Lane, Broomfield, CO, 80023
  2. Go to our website.  You will be asked to log-in.  If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it there.  Then on the homepage you can pay for the reunion using PayPal by clicking the 60th Reunion line in the upper left hand corner.
  3. Make a payment to Mike Fitzgerald with the Zelle account:, and it will go to the First Bank account for FHS account that was set up for the 60th reunion.

What we know so far:

August 17, 2024 at the Boulder Country Club

3 – 8 p.m. (Planned that way, so no need to drive much after dark!!)

Appetizers: Veggie Spring Rolls with Tamari Dipping Sauce; Brie, Apple, Pecan CrostiniCaprese Skewers

Caribbean Buffet: Mahi Mahi TacosFlank SteakCorn SaladChicken Skewers

Green Bean, Beans and Rice, Rum Raisin Bread Pudding

Drinks:  Coffee, Tea, Soda is provided.  Open Cash Bar.

More to be planned:

Hotel with reasonable rates?  Still working on that.

Any volunteers to plan a class picnic on Sunday?

Any volunteers to plan a class walk along _____________?

Anyone in a band that would like to entertain for an hour at the reunion?

Other ideas and volunteers welcomed.

60th Reunion Co-chairs

Pam Sheets Akison, Webmaster

Margie Morris Caswell, helps Pam with Web and reunion planning

Mike Fitzgerald, Reunion Treasurer and planning




Fairview Class of 1964,

Our 60th HS reunion is approaching next month on August 17th from 3 - 8 p.m. at the Boulder Country Club at 7350 Clubhouse Road.  We need to give them numbers of attendees by August 2, 2024; so please get registered:

Cost of $70 / person.  Please pay one of three ways:

  1. Mail a check for $70 per person to Mike Fitzgerald at 3320 Molly Lane, Broomfield, CO, 80023
  2. Go to our website.  You will be asked to log-in.  If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it there.  Then on the homepage you can pay for the reunion using PayPal by clicking the 60th Reunion line in the upper left hand corner.
  3. Make a payment to Mike Fitzgerald with the Zelle account:, and it will go to the First Bank account for FHS account that was set up for the 60th reunion.

At the reunion we will get to reconnect with classmates, hear a brief history of Fairview High School, honor our deceased classmates, hear memorable stories of life at Fairview, hear music from 1960 - 1964, and Randy Fergus Stone and Bob Arnold will play acoustic music in a quiet corner for us to enjoy and in memory of fellow classmate, musician, and Jug Band Member Steve Unger.  

Pam Sheets Akison (

Margie Morris Caswell (

Mike Fitzgerald (


Dear Class of 1964,

The value of our website, administered by Pam Sheets Akison, is that we can reach out to you with news.

Classmate Bob Rives let us know Tim Babcock died on July 6th.  I have looked for an obituary, but have no more information at this time. We are thinking of Tim's family at this time.

Our hearts also go out to classmate Donna Hostetter Wright.  Her sister Linda (class'66) died in May 2023, and she just lost her younger sister Anita on July 5th.  Donna said she won't be able to attend the reunion with so much to deal with her sisters' deaths.

If you click on Memorabilia on the left hand side of the website, you will see the May 22, 1964, Royal Banner.  It brings back memories of Dr. Flowers and the card games played in the lunch room.

Enjoy!  Look forward to seeing you at the reunion.

Margie Morris Caswell

Hello all,
Hope you are doing well.
I am moving back to CO (the State I love) very soon. I will be staying in Longmont with my sister and her husband temporarily. Should be no later then mid-November

It would be fun to see you all once I am settled.

I retired from law practice in November 2017. I spend my time maintaining and enhancing BkAssist, the bankruptcy petition program I wrote, including the e-commerce connection I designed for it; working on my model railroad; and playing oboe and English horn in a nearby community band. Oh, and posting liberal memes on my facebook page.